How long will it take to get my things?
I personally make everything. There are no employees. If I am in the studio, then it might be a couple of days. If I am on the water or in the field, then it will be a little longer. I will make your things as soon as I get back into town.
You can be sure that I will do my best to be responsive. Shoot me an email and I will let you know for sure.
Your checkout information is encrypted and secured by Shopify. I do not have any of your financial information. Your email address will not be shared.
Domestic shipping is free. I send everything by USPS because, living in a very small town, there are no other carriers who operate package pickup services. We do have a US Post Office. The standard for small packages is First Class, tracked, and insured. Larger packages (over 13 ounces) ship Priority Mail, tracked, and insured.
International shipping is a flat rate $25. First Class, tracked, and insured.
How about the pewter? Does it contain lead?
No. There is no lead in the pewter.
The alloy that I use is called brittania. Brittania is used as an alternative to sterling silver. One notable use of this metal is to make the Oscar statuettes handed out each year at the Academy Awards. The 8½-pound statuettes are brittania plated with gold.
Brittania is a fantastic metal with a unique history. It was first produced in 1770 by James Vickers after purchasing the formula from a dying friend. It was originally known as "Vickers White Metal" when made under contract by the Sheffield manufacturers Ebenezer Hancock and Richard Jessop. In 1776 James Vickers took over the manufacturing himself and remained as owner until his death in 1809, when the company passed to his son, John, and Son-in-Law, Elijah West. In 1836 the company was sold to John Vickers's nephew Ebenezer Stacey (the son of Hannah Vickers and John Stacey).
You will absolutely love this pewter, and all the other metals that are married together with 3 or 4 different solders. Get one, or two, or......
What happens if I do not wax my buckle?
Well, it will gain character. The colors will tend to darken some (patina, tarnish) depending on how much sulfur is in the air where you wear the buckle. All of alloys that I use contain copper. That allows the metals to be malleable, reducing brittleness. All metals are color reactive, some more so than others, especially those that contain copper. Even the white bronze will be come a light golden bronze color. I vastly prefer that to the shiny silver white.
How do you make the cast bronze figures?
I make my small bronzes with the same materials and methods that are used to make bronze statues. These are the main steps:
- Carve the original model from clay.
- Make a soft silicone mold of the model or sculpture, and heat cure it.
- Make a resin replica model in the silicone mold.
- Refine the resin model to make it perfect.
- Make a hard silicone mold, and heat cure it.
- Inject wax into the hard mold, and make wax replicas. Refine the replicas, if necessary, to make them perfect.
- Attach the replicas with sprues to a slender wax rod to form a "tree."
- Invest the wax models in a metal can by pouring in a plaster mold material. After curing, remove the plaster mold from the metal can.
- Place the plaster mold into a kiln and remove all the wax (burnout). Now all that remains of the original artwork is the negative space formerly occupied by the wax, inside the hardened plaster mold.
- The plaster mold is reheated in the kiln to remove all traces of moisture, then placed cup-upwards into a tub filled with sand. Bronze is melted in a crucible in a furnace, then poured carefully into the plaster mold. The mold must be hot, otherwise the molten bronze would shatter it. The filled plaster mold is allowed to cool.
- The plaster mold is then destroyed to release the rough bronze castings. The sprues are cut off and will be recycled and used in another casting.
- The bronze replicas are refined to remove blemishes and the telltale signs of the casting process. Now the bronze casting looks just like the original model.
Where can I find out more about Carol's Hand Knits?
You can email Carol, mayhawtree@yahoo.com.