The founders of Pescatore University believed that everyone was a teacher, and everyone was a student.
By all measures, the universe of pescatorial understanding was apparently infinite, and continuously expanding. The knowledge base was narrow. However, that meant that the room for discovery was immense.
It became apparent that there could be no graduates. Likewise, and for the same reasons, there could be no degrees.
Founding teacher and student, Pescatore University
The University was greeted with enthusiasm by teachers and students alike. All came from varied backgrounds and occupations.
Each shared their own personal passions for instruction and life long learning. Growth was exponential. Fortuitously, there was plenty of room for everyone.
New faculty and students and rapid growth of the University
Students and teachers immediately recognized that not all was perfect: issues of mutual concern quickly emerged. The powers of observation and description were applied to these matters. Coupled with logic and reason, problems were accurately identified, well defined, and rapidly solved.
This was a symbiotic relationship as neither party knew the answers- they were true compatriots in this endeavor.
Powers of observation served well in identifying and solving problems
Early on, students and teachers recognized the importance of resource management. Expertise was prized. One of the first specialties was field study, soon to be known as "ecology."
A field study of ecological importance
The results from field studies were brought back into the laboratory and shared among teachers and students. Conclusions were drawn. Implications were assessed. At times discussion lead to debate, but innovation was keen, and steady progress was the reward.
Friday afternoon seminar, intense review of a subject
Technological advancements were myriad. But this did not replace the powers of observation, nor did it supplant common sense and logic.
A balance between nature and modern practices was recognized as key: both were necessary in order to maintain and enhance the biome.
Testing and achievement became a standard for measuring success. Both technics applied to teachers and students, learners alike. In the field, and in the classroom.
Testing and achievement applied to both teachers and students
Drawings by Honoré Daumier (1808-1879)
Pisces Honoré Daumier
Oldrich Kulhanek (b. 1940)
Color etch, 4 3/8 x 2 7/8 inches